How do I add a Service Item?

How do I add a Service Item?

Click on the Image to Enlarge

Step 1

No HTML is needed in the Services (unless you want to use Header styles) as the system applies the style when it uses it in the site. To add a Service Item:

A) In the Black bar at the top of the screen click on the Modules link.

B) Roll over Services.

C) Click on Add Service.

How do I add a Service Item?

Click on the Image to Enlarge

Step 2

The following fields are available to be used.
However in the image, the recommended fields have been highlighted. It is highly advised that at the least, those fields are filled in.

  • Sort Number - the order the category shows.
  • Title - Auto selected to Testimonials
  • Reference Title - This is the page address. This does not have to be touched.
  • Section - If you have more than one Service Section, then you will choose which section this service will appear from in the dropdown menu.
  • Parent Service - If the service you're adding is a "Sub-service" of another service, select the parent from the dropdown menu.
  • Description 1 - Required field to explain the service to your customers.
  • Image 1 - Select an Image for your service from the library or upload one.
  • Image 1 Position - Choose where on the page the Image will sit.
  • Description 2 - Optional field to explain the service to your customers.
  • Image 2 - Optional Image Uploader, the same as Image 1.
  • Image 2 Position - Choose where on the page Image 2 will sit.
  • Youtube Reference - If you have a Youtube video that relates to your service, put the link in for it here.
  • Related Files - Any PDF's that you have uploaded that relate to the service, tick them here or upload one.
  • Show Online - Tick this to show online.


Step 3

Click on the 'Add' button at the bottom of the page.


Click on the Image to Enlarge

